Un'arma segreta per L Fragment

Un'arma segreta per L Fragment

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Called by the system when the device configuration changes while your component is running. Note that, unlike activities, other components are never restarted when a configuration changes: they must always deal with the results of the change, such as by re-retrieving resources.

onStart() makes the fragment visible to the user (based on its containing activity being started). onResume() makes the fragment begin interacting with the user (based on its containing activity being resumed). As a fragment is voto negativo longer being used, it goes through a reverse series of callbacks: onPause() fragment is no longer interacting with the user either because its activity is being paused or a fragment operation is modifying it Durante the activity. onStop() fragment is no longer visible to the user either because its activity is being stopped or a fragment operation is modifying it Per the activity. onDestroyView() allows the fragment to clean up resources associated with its View. onDestroy() called to do final cleanup of the fragment's state. onDetach() called immediately prior to the fragment anzi che no longer being associated with its activity. Layout

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Reparti specializzati lavorano Per mezzo di sincronia Attraverso ottenere un preparato altamente tecnologico e performante: 85 persone sono dedicate alla ricerca e sviluppo e seguono ogni aspetto dall’ingegnerizzazione del manufatto alla prototipazione, dalla progettazione delle ottiche ai rilievi fotometrici.

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The Transition that will be used to move Views into the initial scene.  android:fragmentExitTransition

Sets whether the exit transition and enter transition overlap or not. When true, the enter transition will start as soon as possible. When false, the enter transition will wait until the exit transition completes before starting.

Una cambiamento né di scarso valore perché in tal metodo tutti pixel riceve tutte le informazioni e le somma da quelle dei pixel sottostanti anziché doverle mediare verso quelle dei pixel adiacenti.

Sets whether the enter and exit transitions should overlap when transitioning forward.  android:fragmentAllowReturnTransitionOverlap

Returns whether the exit transition and enter transition overlap or not. When true, the enter transition will start as soon as possible. When false, the enter transition will wait until the exit transition completes before starting.

Sets whether the enter and exit transitions should overlap when transitioning because of popping the back stack.  android:fragmentEnterTransition

SharedElementCallback: Used to manipulate the shared element transitions on this Fragment when added not as a pop from the back stack.

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